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I was exposed to various types of projects while at IBM from cataloging our featured clients to helping set up presentations. I got to sit in on some awesome meetings for up coming projects that truly show that IBM is not just all business and that they can certainly have some fun while being one of the best in the B to B market. I learned that even work that seems mundane was teaching me more and more about the company and how their advertising and branding has changed throughout the years. I also saw how much Ogilvy dominates the advertising industry by cataloging IBM’s awards with them.  I did a lot of work on Connections, which is IBM’s social platform and I also had to work on a final internship presentation, which gave me some of the most practical experience I have had so far. I learned to ask questions even if I thought they were stupid and that confidence is everything in a world where giving a presentation is an everyday thing rather than a rare occasion. I would like to also post some of my work on here but since some of it cannot be revealed at this time, I’ll leave that to a later date.




While I was interning I got to witness one of the coolest partnerships to my current knowledge. This of course is the partnership between IBM and Apple. I found out the day of, like the rest of the world, and it put the Ad team to work for the next few days. I was so proud to be a part of something like this and to be able to witness the madness first hand.

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